Has science buried God? = No. Here's why.
- There are many scientists who say that their science confirms their belief in God. eg. Francis Collins.
- Many of the fathers of modern science believed in God. They expected laws in nature based on a God who created an orderly universe.
- It is a myth that science is constantly at war with religion. Even Galileo's story has been distorted. The issue is rather which world view Naturalism or Theism sits most comfortably with science.
- Science can tell us WHAT is there (ingredients) and HOW it works (mechanisms) but cannot tell us WHY (purpose). Some scientists claim too much for science=scientism or the Theory of Everything. They re-deify nature by endowing energy and matter with creative purpose.
- Science points to God in the following ways:
- The rational intelligibility of the universe. ie. the universe is mathematically intelligible with uniformity in nature.
- The evidence that the universe had a beginning (Big Bang) which is consistent with the Bible.
- The fine tuning of the universe=everything on earth is just right for human life.
- The theory of evolution does not adequately account for the complexity of life. ie. micro evolution is proven but not macro evolution. More than blind chance is needed.
eg. especially when looking at the mathematical chances of the building blocks of life evolving in just the right combination. For example a single cell is made up of 100 million proteins of 20,000 different types=like a massive factory of interlocking assembly lines.
eg.2. DNA contains complex genetic software (a code). Where did this information come from? Best explanation is not from a chaotic, random process but rather informational input from a God who created everything through his Word (language). See Genesis 1, John 1.
eg. 3. If an intelligible information code was received from outer space we would conclude an intelligent source. Same argument applies when looking at the code in DNA. It seems that the willingness of scientists who are naturalists to look at this evidence is ignored because of their a priori assumptions.
Conclusion: Science has not buried God ..... but in fact points to his existence.