The media reporting of the unhappy residents of Ryde protesting about convicted pedophile Dennis Ferguson setting up home in their suburb has raised many interesting
ethical issues. For example:
1. Should society forgive Dennis Ferugson? He's done his time and paid his dues. Why is pedophilia the unforgivable sin and where does the moral basis to make this decision come from? What about our moral failings?
2. Is morality relative to time and culture? 50 years ago homosexuality was considered a sin and a crime, but today it's just a lifestyle choice. Maybe in 50 years time pedophilia will be accepted as OK as moral values become more liberal. Are there such things as 'moral absolutes' that are wrong in every generation? And who decides?
3. Are humans good and able to improve? Is it possible to rehabilitate a pedophile? Or are we slaves to our foibles and unable to change?
The Bible's view is that God is the ultimate determiner of good and evil. He made us and he makes the rules of what is right and wrong (see Genesis 1-3). So there are absolutes in every generation. Secondly the Bible teaches that
"all have sinned" (Romans 3:23) and
"the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). In the eyes of a Holy God, pedophilia is no worse than lusting in your heart after someone elses husband or wife (Mark 7:20-23). Thirdly, the Bible recognises the reality that people are slaves to sin (Romans 7:14). Yes we should be worried about someone with a history of pedophilia living in our suburb. But the Bible also gives hope that we can be freed from the power of sin through Jesus Christ (Romans 7:24-25).
So if you're looking for some moral certainty, some real forgiveness for your sins and some power to overcome evil desires, read the Bible and find our more about Jesus Christ. The Bible is our compass guiding us on hard ethical issues and showing the path to being in right standing with our holy maker.
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